Battle Of The Beadsmith 2013 Competition

PRESS RELEASE: 192 Artists, 40 Countries. A Celebration of Bead Artistry around the World The Beadsmith, wholesale supplier of beads and products to 4,000 independent bead shops worldwide, has once again issued a call to arms, inviting 192 bead artists to participate in the second  “Battle Of The Beadsmith”. … The Battle, or as some call it “the contest where you win nothing” affords participating artists Eight weeks, from April 1st, to create a single piece of original beadwork. Each piece is randomly paired with the work of another artist in one of three “64 member Battle Groups”. Works are judged by a combination competing artists, invited judges, and the general public to determine which artists will move on to the next “battle”, where the judging process begins again. The Official Battle Of The Beadsmith 2013 Official Group: The Official Battle Of The Beadsmith 2013 Blog: Link to “Battle Of The Beadsmith” logos that can be used in print, on websites, or blogs: mer
PRESS RELEASE:</p><br />
<p>192 Artists, 40 Countries. A Celebration of Bead Artistry around the World</p><br />
<p>The Beadsmith, wholesale supplier of beads and products to 4,000 independent bead shops worldwide, has once again issued a call to arms, inviting 192 bead artists to participate in the second  “Battle Of The Beadsmith”. </p><br />
<p>The Battle, or as some call it “the contest where you win nothing” affords participating artists Eight weeks, from April 1st, to create a single piece of original beadwork. Each piece is randomly paired with the work of another artist in one of three “64 member Battle Groups”. Works are judged by a combination competing artists, invited judges, and the general public to determine which artists will move on to the next “battle”, where the judging process begins again.</p><br />
<p>The Official Battle Of The Beadsmith 2013 Official Group:<br /><br /></p><br />
<p>The Official Battle Of The Beadsmith 2013 Blog:<br /><br /></p><br />
<p>Link to “Battle Of The Beadsmith” logos that can be used in print, on websites, or blogs:

    • Jag är en av de som ska försvara de svenska färgerna, dax att lägga på ett extra kol! Det ska fotas (som kommer att ta en hel del tid), skrivas en  text och en materiallista. Jag har möjlighet att använda mig av en modell som jag kan hänga på det färdiga bidraget men jag är tveksam. Jag har haft så mycket att göra så jag har inte kunnat koncentrera mig på bidraget och det är lång ifrån klart, kanske att jag har kommit halva vägen. Många av mina medtävlare är klara och sitter väl bara och väntar på att det ska bli den 1:a, allt ska vara inskickat och klart den 1juni. Jag får inte visa mitt halvfärdiga bidrag än men det blir som vanligt i jordfärger…

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