Battle Of The Beadsmith 2015

Här är mitt bidrag till årets Battle. Som jag skrivit tidigare är inte ambitionsnivån den bästa men känner mig nöjd med bidraget ändå. Blomman har jag gjort i en teknik som kallas ”Ryska löv”.  Tack, till min fina modell Cecilia Schiött som var enkel att jobba med. Tävlingen pågår på  Facebook

: Iha Vahlberg Orre, Sweden
Regarding: BOTB 2015

The black flower
The techniques I have used: bead weaving, back stitch, peyote, twisted tubular herringbone,lazy stitch and netting.

Material list:
Miyuki: Seeds 15/0 and 11/0 black, black matte, met. dark bronze, dark gold AB sl.
Delica and 8/0 black.
Swarovski: Bicones 4 and 5 mm amethyst AB
Czech Preciosa: Bicones 4 mm amethyst, two hole lentils black.
Fire Polished rondelles 4x3mm in black, bronze and metallic purple.
Drops in black.
Glass pearls: 2-20mm in crème, black, golden brown, purple and olive.

Size: 70x20mm
Model: Cecilia Schiött

About myself
I love bead weaving, bead embroidery and wire work and inspires of bold focals, vibrant color combos, structures and architectural patterns. Often a beautiful cabochon or a lovely lampwork bead can influence my design. I have learned the basics in West Australia where I lived for some years, from designers and artists in various fields of technology but also spent countless of hours by teaching myself. Now and then I participate in exhibitions with other artists. I sell my jewelry on my blog,

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Steven Weiss foto.

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